Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 3 Social & Professional Networking

I have a presence on Facebook and Linkedin. I already set up the Facebook account as part of my work presence although many non-work friends and family watch my account and I've linked with non-students. When I was asking students a couple of years ago about whether they'd use a library presence - they looked at me oddly. Now, the only action I see on Facebook is from family and friends.

I set up a Linkedin presence for networking and to try it out (for about a year.) Every once in a while I'll get a request to join, but it hasn't done much else. But then again I'm not really active on it.

I admit to being older and that may be some of the issue. I do see a use once I retire and don't have as much to do so I can focus in on what people and doing. Right now, the friends and relatives I have use email, telephone (landline and cell) text messaging, and very few snail mail. We're not a linked in group. Oh yes, we also get together for lunch, dinner and parties since we all work. So again, I wonder if I'll be more active when I retire.

I have great concerns about privacy and since I guard my privacy closely, you won't find much info of interest in either of my accounts. In fact, I often google my name and am unhappy when I find out that my donations are available for all to see. Probably years of trying to fly under the radar. I teach my students to be skeptical of all information they use for research and to be careful of giving out too much info - hate the thought of identity theft. So that colors my views. I don't think anyone should feel they are safe - banks lose information, the government (State and Federal) lose information and so do stores and credit card companies. Not very trusting, am I!

I'm amused as I write this - I'm working on my genealogy and I marvel at how much is out there on my relatives. I'm frustrated now that I can't find a relative supposedly born in VA before 1765 and thinking how I wish I could find more about him on the internet. And here I am trying to stay hidden.

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